Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Yellow RIver Chronicles Lights Out for the New Year

Greetings and welcome back to the Yellow River Chronicles as we wind down the New Year.  The YRC staff has lit out for the territory, as Huck Finn said:
'I reckon I got to light out for the territory ahead of the rest, because Aunt Sally, she's going to adopt me and civilize me, and I can't stand it. I've been there before.'

We will be back next week with a full report on Bali, Indonesia, with the traditional mix of snarky commentary and ego-centric journalism that many regard with wild surmise. In the meantime, we wish you a wonderful New Year's Celebration.

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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Part Two of "The Ghost Cities of China and Pasta"

Greetings, hello and welcome back to the FINAL Yellow River Chronicles of 2012.   However, to keep things in perspective and avoid panic in the financial markets, you should be informed that this is not the final YRC of the Lunar Year of the Dragon (which ends in February) but it may be the final YRC of the Mayan calendar.   Complicated, this temporal thing, yes?

The Great Helmsman KNOWS who has been naughty and even naughtier
Before we proceed further, we at the YRC would like to wish all our friends and readers a happy Celebration of the Winter Solstice and Subsequent Return of the Sun.  The YRC has readers of many nations, many religions and many holidays, and we wish you all a wonderful time, and thanks for tuning in.

Speaking of tuning in, last week many of you were stunned (or perhaps secretly pleased) when the YRC went “black”, as in, was totally not there.  The more conspiracy-minded of you suspected a raid by the Chinese authorities on the YRC offices high above the lovely Jing’An temple or some other malfeasance.   Would that it were true, it was simply stupidity on the part of the YRC technical staff, who have ALL been summarily SACKED for the mistake.  

This was all similar to the opening credits of “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” where:
“We apologize again for the fault in the subtitles. Those responsible for sacking the people who have just been sacked have been sacked”

And in case of technical difficulties, here is the link for those of you interested in the actual footage:   Monty Python Holy Grail Opening Credits Here!

Now That All that Fawning and Groveling About is Over...

This is the pasta, people, not the city
We were actually waiting for part Two of the “Build It and No One Will Come” series here at the YRC.  As you may recall, last week we were chatting about the lovely city of Ordo (no, not the pasta, that is Orzo) and it’s amazing sense of design and space and generally emptiness (once again, not the pasta).  

We are also standing at a conceptual intersection in the Yellow River Chronicles.  You may also recall we did a small series on amusement parks and then we sort of pasted in some random filler and then we did some more filler and then an article on empty cities.  (Thanks to Neil Thatcher for the edits!)

Well, it seems that in addition to strange and disputed theme parks and large empty cities, the People’s Republic also has….<dum….dummm>, empty theme parks!   Yes, truth!   It turns out that there are now many, many empty cities, shopping centers, apartment buildings, theaters, restaurants and airports.  Here is an excerpt from a highly authoritative BBC articles that you can read here: BBC Article

China's ghost towns and phantom malls
Weeds cover a deserted theme park north of Beijing
See, conceptual empty....Chinese...theme park!  Thanks, Trey!
By Robin Banerji & Patrick Jackson
BBC News

As growth slows, China's huge investment in infrastructure is looking ever harder to sustain, leaving a string of ambitious projects - towns, shopping malls and even a theme park - empty and forlorn.
"We have spoken a lot about these ghost towns in Ireland and Spain recently [but China] is Ireland and Spain on steroids," says Kevin Doran, a senior investment fund manager at Brown Shipley in the UK.
Investment in infrastructure accounts for much of China's GDP - the country is said to have built the equivalent of Rome every two months in the past decade. And with such a large pool of labour, it is harder to put the brakes on when growth slows and supply outstrips demand.
"You have got seven to eight million people entering the workforce in China every single year, so you have to give them something to do in order to retain the legitimacy of the government," says Doran.
"Maybe 10 or 15 years ago they were doing things that made sense - roads, rail, power stations etc - but they have now got to the point where it's investment for investment's sake
Wonderland Amusement Park, Nankou Town, Changping

The Disneyesque castle and medieval ramparts of this theme park north of Beijing, conceived nearly 20 years ago, lie abandoned. Local farmers grow crops among the empty buildings.
In the mid-1990s, developers had promised to build the largest amusement park in Asia, but the project got mothballed over a land rights dispute.
The site does in fact attract visitors, according to locals quoted by Chinese media, but hardly the sort the developers had in mind - they are drawing students, photographers and artists from Beijing, apparently, in search of a "ruin culture".
Thames Town, Shanghai

Photographers who visit this imitation English town generally come not to capture decay but newlyweds, posing in front of mock-Tudor buildings and red phone boxes.
The Shanghai suburb boasts a market square, a castle, a neo-gothic church, cobbled streets, a pub, a chip shop, Georgian-style houses and statues of well-known English figures, such as Winston Churchill, James Bond and Harry Potter.
As a backdrop, Thames Town is a hit with the wedding industry, but that is about it.
"The city is a virtual ghost town, with empty shops and unused roads," according to an article in Business Insider.
Yet perhaps not all is lost. Apartments have reportedly been sold, to buyers who want them as investments and second homes.
The proof of the developers' pudding may lie in news that the construction of another mock English town is being planned near Beijing.
"Four miles of polluted rivers running through 1,000 acres of blighted semi-rural land will be restored and landscaped into scenic standards becoming of the English countryside," a Chinese official told the Daily Telegraph.
So, the question that remains (in addition to “WTF Chairman MAO!), is where is all this leading?
Photo courtesy of BMW
And here is the final, prophetic tale (with some interesting ideas on finance) from Shiji, in eastern China.
The rise and fall of a Chinese crab town turned "BMW town" and then back to crab town (sort of like a small Iceland, really) is chronicled in the Daily Telegraph (article follows).
To summarize, a small town in China with an average annual income of around $1,500 a year suddenly became fabulously wealthy…for a year or so.  At the center was “King Claw” (yes, that was his real nickname) who orchestrated a massive $50 million Ponzi scheme with the assistance of local party officials.
And in the end…
…there was little demand in the end for the huge apartment blocks, which today stand empty and half–finished. And when the borrowers started defaulting on King Claw's loans, the pyramid collapsed. Around 1,700 villagers have complained to the police, some having lost their entire life savings. Two villagers were killed in a mysterious car crash after trying to reclaim their money from one of the loan sharks.

The YRC Economic Staff Opines...
This ain't Dali, but it ROCKS!!
With all this emptiness in mind, It appears to the economic staff of the YRC that the People's Republic has created a potent mix of unregulated financial markets, real estate speculation and a naïve investor base combined with local government corruption that is fueling one hell of a party, somewhere, people!

Here is the article, which is worth reading in its entirety:
BMW town crashes in pyramid fraud

For a short while, life in Shiji, a small crab–farming village in eastern China, seemed too good to be true.
By Malcolm Moore, Shanghai
8:25AM BST 23 Sep 2011
For as long as anyone can remember, Shiji has been poor. The village is little more than a dusty grid of brick shacks and its residents live on an average of just 10,000 yuan (£1,000) a year.
But this spring, a miraculous transformation occurred. The locals suddenly noticed that they were rich.
"We have become a BMW town!" wrote one shocked villager on a local internet forum. "In our county, there are now 800 BMWs and 600 Mercedes, 500 Audis, 50 Porsches, 30 Jaguars, one Ferrari, one Lamborghini and one Maserati," he added.

A forest of cranes had also sprung up around the village, constructing large apartment blocks which advertised themselves with pictures of English butlers and sumptuous, chandelier–lit dining rooms.
Miracles abound in modern China, where countless families have become fabulously wealthy in a single generation. But the dramatic change in Shiji's fortunes raised eyebrows.

Chinese journalists soon arrived to count the number of BMWs on the roads (10 in 13 minutes, according to CCTV, the state broadcaster).
Then they started asking questions about where the money had come from.

Earlier this month, Shiji's boom ended as abruptly as it began.
The local Dragon Court BMW dealership has been shuttered; its owner is under house arrest. And as The Daily Telegraph arrived to investigate, jittery local officials were quick to detain us.
"It is not worth looking into too deeply," cautioned one of them, loading us into the back of a black sedan.

What happened in Shiji is a fraud that plays out every day in some corner of China's murky economy, as local Communist Party officials and greedy entrepreneurs collude in vast pyramid schemes.
"It all began when a man named Shi Guobao returned to Shiji after working in Beijing," said Zhu Yi, the head official in the village.

"He became a property developer, but he wanted to make a bigger fortune so he decided to also become a loan shark." Together with 17 of his friends, Shi began tapping the villagers for their savings, promising to pay them 10 per cent interest each month.

The gang quickly raised 350million yuan, (£35.5million) which they then lent out at rates of 30 per cent or more each month to borrowers including local property developers. Shi became known as "King Claw", the man at the head of the pyramid.

For a while, the scheme worked well. Other property developers borrowed from Shi in order to begin construction and the local government, which earned income from every acre sold to the developers, also prospered.

During the boom, the villagers reported fireworks being lit in celebration almost every night.
The owner of the BMW dealership, Zhang Shanyuan, flooded the streets of Shiji with cars when his friends came to celebrate the birth of his son.

But there was little demand in the end for the huge apartment blocks, which today stand empty and half–finished. And when the borrowers started defaulting on King Claw's loans, the pyramid collapsed. Around 1,700 villagers have complained to the police, some having lost their entire life savings. Two villagers were killed in a mysterious car crash after trying to reclaim their money from one of the loan sharks.

Today, the only luxurious cars left are parked outside the local county government offices and Shi and his 17 friends are either in prison or under house arrest.

"I am not sure if any government officials were involved. As far as I know, no local government officials have any luxury cars. The cars outside the government offices must belong to other people. And there were only 152 BMWs registered in the county," said Mr Zhu, who escorted us 200 miles away to Nanjing before releasing us so that we could not pry any further.


Friday, December 14, 2012

The Big Empty in Ordos (A Two Part Series!)

Greetings, Comrades and welcome to this week's Yellow River Chronicles.  This week we are RELEASING THE NERD from the YRC staff basement where he ticks and ties and plays furtively with his stapler.  He's almost here now, scurrying up the stairs while carrying his laptop, a ten-key calculator and some pencils (.5 mm, we betcha).

By the's cold in the basement...
We have Released the Nerd because we are going to discuss <cough> economics. As you all know, the economy of the People's Republic remains a subject of fascination and speculation for many as it continues to hurtle along at a compound rate of 10,043%* a year.  As proof, please see the attached, highly technical chart for the more analytic of you.  And, it looks REALLY cool.

(*this is an...exaggeration)

China GDP and real GPD growth rate from year 1978 - 2009

Chart copyright STARMASS, whoever they may be.  They sound like they work for somebody on the set of Dancing with the Large or something like that, don't they??
The most current projection by the YRC staff is that the Chinese economy will be larger than all the combined economies of the Universe by the end of the year.  That is how fast it is growing, people.  It's going to be huge!  A veritable unstoppable juggernaut of economic growth!

What if You Built it and They Did Not Come?

But then, consider this really cool video from the City of Ordos, built in Inner Mongolia (the part of Mongolia that is part of China, not Mongolia, an independent state).

Watch: Gorgeous video of a Chinese ghost town turned into a skatepark

The video and notes below are from Shanghaiist. 
Ordos is a city in Inner Mongolia, originally built for 1 million people it houses only a few thousand. Huge modern city with practically no foot traffic? It was just a matter of time before someone turned it into a skatepark.
We look forward to the sequel set in the impending ghost town of Lanzhou, for which developers are levelling 700 mountains.
Directed, filmed & edited by: Charles Lanceplaine
Additional filming: Patrik Wallner & Tommy Zhao
Music: You Me by Hamacide + Chacha
Sound mix: Gaetan Lourmiere
Skaters: Jay Meador, Gustav Nymans, Tommy Zhao, Alexander Hwang, James Capps, Elliott Zelinskas & Brian Dolle
[Via: Business Insider] 
"Kids are like, 'Let’s move there. It’s a skate paradise!'' director Charles Lanceplaine says about the reaction to his newest skate film, Ordos. "But there's nothing to do there. There are no restaurants or anything. There’s one night club. We tried to go but no one was there."
BBC has this to report: 

In Inner Mongolia a new city stands largely empty. This city, Ordos, suggests that the great Chinese building boom, which did so much to fuel the country's astonishing economic growth, is over. Is a bubble about to burst?

A huge statue of the mighty warrior Genghis Khan presides over Genghis Khan Plaza in Ordos New Town. The square is vast, fading into the snowy mist on a recent Sunday morning.
Genghis Khan Plaza is flanked by huge and imposing buildings.
Two giant horses from the steppes rise on their hind legs in the centre of the Plaza, statues which dwarf the great Khan himself.
Only one element is missing from this vast ensemble - people.
Genghis Khan plazaThere are only two or three of us in this immense townscape. Because this is Ordos, a place that has been called the largest ghost town in China.
Most of the new town buildings are empty or unfinished. The rampant apartment blocks are full of unsold flats.

Start Quote

It is a spectacular example of a new Chinese phenomenon, in many cities - unsold flats, unlet shops, empty office blocks”
If you want to find a place where China's huge housing bubble has already burst, then Ordos is the place to come.

(Here is the entire BBC story)

Well, A Fine How to Do This Is...
According to Wikipedia, Ordos is not suffering economically. 
Ordos is one of the richest regions of China. With a nominal per-capita GDP of US$14,500 in 2008, it is ranked ahead of the capital city of China, Beijing. It is extremely rich in natural resources, having one sixth of the coal reserve in China. The pillars of its economy are textile (wool), coal mining, petrochemicals, electricity generation and production of building materials.
So there you have it!  The vacancy conundrum, straight from the People's Republic and points economically challenging as we lead into next week's Yellow River Chronicles.   A rapidly expanding economy, an empty town, and a red Swingline stapler.  Check it all out at next week's Yellow River Chronicles!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

...And the Truth Shall Prevail at the YRC!

Do You Have the Movies Section?"
Hello and welcome back once again to the quiet offices of the YRC, high above the clamor and clatter of daily activity in the streets here On the Other Side of the World.  Our subject this week is credibility, near and dear to the good old YRC, a veritable bastion of journalistic moral androgyny. Bastion, people!

This may be a short issue because our links to the outside world are rapidly closing as three GIANTS of journalistic integrity lock headlines in a battle over their veracity.  Yes, the window to the internet is once again closing as we received news that ONE of our VPN providers was temporarily shut down.  But we hope to finish this week's column before lights out...again.

Background on the Triad of Credibility:

The first credibility salvo was by The New York Times, which published a story concerning the personal wealth of China's Prime Minister.  You can read the entire article (click here for the NY Times Story) but the gist of it was that the historically poor family of Wen Jiaboa had amassed a fortune of $2.7 billion during his tenure as prime minister.  This from the Times:
Many relatives of Wen Jiabao, including his son, daughter, younger brother and brother-in-law, have become extraordinarily wealthy during his leadership, an investigation by The New York Times shows. A review of corporate and regulatory records indicates that the prime minister’s relatives — some of whom, including his wife, have a knack for aggressive deal making — have controlled assets worth at least $2.7 billion. 
In many cases, the names of the relatives have been hidden behind layers of partnerships and investment vehicles involving friends, work colleagues and business partners. Untangling their financial holdings provides an unusually detailed look at how politically connected people have profited from being at the intersection of government and business as state influence and private wealth converge in China’s fast-growing economy.
Hmmm.  $2.7 Billion?  Are you sure??

There was, of course, considerable reaction to the story here in the PR of C, and access to the New York Times was promptly deleted .  No more times for you, sir.  And you, sir.  The official, PR of C version of The New York Times (well, sort of) promptly went on the attack.  This from the UK Telegraph (click here to read the entire story).

China's People's Daily launches attack on The New York Times

The mouthpiece newspaper of China's Communist Party has launched a blistering attack on The New York Times, accusing it of "faking" and "distorting" news and being a government "propaganda tool".

China's People's Daily launches attack on The New York Times
People's Daily turned its canons on the 161-year-old newspaper on Monday, after The New York Times published the results of an investigation into Mr Wen's family's finances Photo: Alexander F Yuan/AP
The 1,500 word People's Daily editorial appeared to be a direct response to The New York Times's explosive exposé last week about the $2.7 billion (£1.67 billion) "hidden fortune" of the family of Chinese prime minister Wen Jiabao.
But in a humiliating about-turn, within hours of the People's Daily publishing its lengthy assault on the American newspaper's journalistic integrity it emerged that much of the Chinese newspaper's critique had in fact been plagiarised from other sources.
The Beijing-based People's Daily turned its canons on the 161-year-old newspaper on Monday, three days after The New York Times published the highly embarrassing results of its one-year investigation into Mr Wen's family's finances.
"For a long time, the New York Times has [had] one line printed on its masthead, 'All the news that's fit to print'," noted the People's Daily opinion piece, under the headline: 'New York Times: scandals stack-up, prestige declines'.
"This century-old newspaper claims its news is authentic and reliable, yet there have been quite a few [cases of] plagiarism and fake news in recent years," added the combative piece published on the website of a newspaper which is controlled, funded and censored by the Chinese government.
So NOW Who Do We Believe?
So, the NYT is a propaganda tool that fakes the news.  Hmmm.  You can now understand that two giants of journalism are fighting it out, toe to toe for the Grand Credibility Champion title here.  But before the YRC climbed into the ring to sort those two out, a third contender appeared on the scene.
It was reported recently, in aforementioned People Daily, that Kim Jong-Un, the young leader of North Korea, had been named The Sexist Man in the World."  Why, he even beat out South Korean rock legend PSY of Gangnam style fame.  China Daily on-line produced a 55-page article and things were going just FINE until it was revealed that the source of their information was....the THIRD in our TRIAD of Credibility, The Onion:
And, in This Corner.....The Onion!
This, from the highly credible BBC: (

China paper carries Onion Kim Jong-un 'heart-throb' spoof

Photo of Kim Jong-un released by North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) on 20/11/12This photo of Kim Jong-un, recently released by North Korean state media, is one of the images that appears in the People's Daily spread

Related Stories

The online version of the Chinese Communist Party's official newspaper appears to have fallen for a spoof by the US satirical website, The Onion.
The People's Daily ran a 55-page photo spread of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un after he was declared The Onion's Sexiest Man Alive for 2012.
He is shown riding horses, holding children and greeting his troops.
The spread is accompanied by tongue-in-cheek quotes from The Onion about the "Pyongyang-born heart-throb".
"With his devastatingly handsome, round face, his boyish charm, and his strong, sturdy frame, this Pyongyang-born heart-throb is every woman's dream come true," the People's Daily quoted The Onion as saying.
"Blessed with an air of power that masks an unmistakable cute, cuddly side, Kim made this newspaper's editorial board swoon with his impeccable fashion sense, chic short hairstyle and, of course, that famous smile."

The Onion, which ran its Sexiest Man Alive piece earlier in the month, had an update to its article on Tuesday.

"For more coverage," it wrote," please visit our friends at the People's Daily in China, a proud Communist subsidiary of The Onion, Inc. Exemplary reportage, comrades."
Paper trail
By around midday on Wednesday, the People's Daily spread appeared to have been removed, with the link to the English version returning an error message.
Yuwen Wu of BBC Chinese says after The Onion published the spoof on 14 November, the story was picked up by the Hong-Kong based It published a Chinese version on 21 November - but with readers' comments and a clear explanation about the satirical nature of the Onion site.
A Chinese website, Yangzi Wanbao (Yangtse Evening Daily), published a shorter version of the story on the same day, citing as the source, but without the crucial explanation about The Onion.
Guangming Daily then carried the story on 26 November, quoting the Yangtse Evening Daily. The People's Daily in turn published the story on 27 November, citing Guangming Daily as its source.

And the YRC Vote is For...
Hard choice folks, but we are now going to read the Onion for all our news.  As long as it is not blocked, of course...

Thursday, November 29, 2012

You Must Be This Tall to Read This Week's YRC...

Howdy there and welcome back to the Yellow River Chronicles!  This week we are continuing the Other Side of the World tradition of incisive journalism with a look into another PR of C amusement park you may find..well, you may find us at a loss for words on this one, dear readers.

As you may recall, the last article covered the plans to build a multi-billion dollar amusement park just outside Tibet's capital, Lhasa.  This is a potentially sensitive subject for some, but clearly not for anyone currently residing in China AND living there on a residency visa.  However, as it turns out, the planned Lhasa amusement park is not the only example of the PR of C penchant for optimism and honesty in the face of potentially sensitive topics.

Eighth Route Army Culture Park in Shanxi Province:
Eight Route Army, Shanxi
The YRC has learned that a NEW theme park opened a year ago, located in Shanxi, a province that has many  "red tourism" destinations. During the 1930s and 40s, over 90,000 of Shanxi's residents joined the Eighth Route Army, making up the majority of the 140,000 troops that would fight over 4,300 battles against the Japanese.

According to The Atlantic, the theme park features trench simulation scenarios that allow visitors to don either Japanese or Eight Route Army outfits and shoot toy weapons. The Eighth Route Army was a unit of the National Revolutionary Army that fought against the Japanese. Besides dressing as them, visitors can also ride a train and shoot at Japanese soldiers.

There are even live-action performances that show actors dressed as Japanese troops that "stick samurai swords in plainclothes Eighth Route Army soldiers and then shoot them".  Um...yeah.  Where's the Eight Route Army bar, by the way?

This, from the article in The Atlantic:

What would you get if you were able to mix Red Dawn with both a Civil War battle reenactment and Disneyland, and then translated the whole thing into Chinese? At the Eighth Route Army Culture Park in Shanxi province, named after the Communist military unit that fought behind Japanese lines in the 1940s, visitors can dress up as either Chinese or Japanese troops and pretend to blast away at each other with toy guns.

A boy dressed as an Eighth Route Army soldier aims down the sights of his toy gun during a live-action role-playing game. (Jason Lee/Reuters)

Complete with staffers who play out scenes of Japanese oppression for the patriotic benefit of Chinese onlookers, the theme park is also equipped with a shooting-gallery attraction that takes would-be soldiers through a model village populated with fake targets, as well as trenches where tourists do battle in live-action role-playing games. The park cost the local government about $80 million to put together. At a time when anti-Japanese sentiment is running high in China over the two countries' island dispute in the East China Sea, the theme park seems to have hit on a timely business opportunity.
Actors' performances at the Eighth Route Army Culture Park can involve elaborate visual effects. (Jason Lee/Reuters)

No, This is NOT a Joke:  Now you may say, "How imperialistic do you have to be to go on this ride?", or you may question if the the good old YRC is following The Onion into journalistic history (more on that next week).  As proof, here is the link to the article, if you wish any further details:  Veracity Check and Atlantic Article HERE!!

What are We Doing About It:  You will be please to know that the YRC staff is hard at work researching other interesting and educational Theme Parks. Some potential ideas are the "Tora Tora Tora" theme park where Japanese citizens can sink models of American battleships, or the "Barbarians Enter Through the Front Gate" theme park based on the Battle of Stalingrad.  There, Russian citizens can see ballet troupes from Moscow reenacting scenes from the battle.  The possibilities are just endless.

Remember!  You must be THIS TALL to read the YRC, and THIS TALL you are!  Until next week!

P.S.  They are planning a Disney World in the good old 'Hai!  This from China Economic Review:

Shanghai Disney ResortScheduled to open in 2016, Shanghai’s Disney Resort will cover 963 acres in the Pudong district, approximately three times the area of the Hong Kong Disneyland Resort. At an initial cost of RMB24.5 billion (US$3.7 billion), Walt Disney Parks and Resorts and the park’s majority owner, the Shanghai Shengdi Group, aim to build a whole new world of entertainment and adventure, including a park, two themed hotels, a retail, dining and entertainment venue, and an array of recreation facilities.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Slow Down and Enjoy Life with the YRC!

Hello and welcome back to our little hut by the sedate Huang Pu River.

This week's Yellow River Chronicles may contain even less content than usual because of the current "slowdown" of Internet services.   The slowdown has created a small problem here at the YRC.  As you may have noticed, we don't actually do anything original here.  We simply read the China Daily and shazam, a column is born.  But things are moving a little slooooooow here on the Other Side of the World, so there may be less photos, but more facts, people.

Slow What?    Many foreign observers and media have falsely assumed that the Internet was slowed as part of a general "information management" effort here in the P.R. of C during the Party Congress.  For example, this from the LA Times:

Google and many of its services, including its popular email service Gmail, are being blocked in China, according to a report from, a Chinese website that monitors outages.
Google could not be immediately reached for comment.
[Updated at 9:33 a.m.: In an emailed statement later, Google said: "We've checked and there's nothing wrong on our end."]
The search giant has weathered intermittent outages in the world's most populous market since Google said it would end its practice of acquiescing to Chinese government officials' demands to censor search results in China nearly three years ago.
Google's Transparency Report shows a decline in traffic to all of its products in China over the last several hours.
Users trying to reach Google services end up at a vacant IP address, reports. Only those with  special access to a virtual private network, or VPN, can now reach Google services, it said. argues that this outage could be a step toward "fully separating the Chinanet from the Internet."    Others speculate it could be a temporary move during China's leadership transition.
Google pulled the plug on its search engine operation in China in March 2010 after a tense standoff with the Chinese government over Google's allegations that it had been a victim of a sophisticated cyber attack originating in China. 

What Are They Talking About?  All of this conspiracy, schmiracy about the epic changeover in leadership during the Party Congress and the control of ping pong balls (This from the NY TImes):

BEIJING — A word of advice to anyone hoping to celebrate the gathering of Communist Party apparatchiks who are about to descend on the capital next week to anoint a new generation of Chinese leaders: Leave the balloons at home.
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Andy Wong/Associated Press
The window crank of a Beijing cab was removed to prevent riders from tossing out anti government messages.
As this sprawling city of 20 million people steels itself for the 18th Party Congress, all sorts of potentially buoyant objects — balloons, homing pigeons, Ping-Pong balls and remote-control toy airplanes — are finding their way onto lists of suspicious items that could potentially carry protest messages and mar the meticulously choreographed political spectacle.
And this is just a tiny portion of the government’s rules and restrictions, circulated on the Internet but never officially acknowledged, that seem likely to make daily life especially challenging during the week long congress, which one provincial police department likened to a “state of war.”
In recent days, kitchen knives have been removed from store shelves, Internet access has mysteriously slowed to the speed of molasses, and international news channels like CNN and the BBC have disappeared from television sets in upscale health clubs.
At the Bookworm, a popular English-language bookstore, the section previously devoted to Chinese politics and history has been stuffed with Stephen King thrillers, child-rearing guides and Victoria Beckham’s “That Extra Half an Inch.”
“We’re just reorganizing,” one employee said with a helpless shrug. “They’ll be back after the party congress.”
In recent days, the list of interruptions and inconveniences has grown longer than a post-congress communique. Running marathons, academic conferences, pet adoption fairs, film productions and jazz concerts have all been canceled or postponed. Not just in Beijing but across the country, business deals at state-run enterprises have been frozen for weeks, employees say, while one frustrated Web designer said no new sites could go up until after party elders publicly presented the new slate of top leaders at the end of the congress.

Nihao, China!!
What a Bunch of Nonsense.  Really. This all simply not true.  Complete fabrications.  The truth is, all of this mishegoss is in preparation for the Elton John concert next week.  It's that simple.

Everybody knows that Elton John is terribly afraid of ping-pong balls (ever since that unfortunate incident in Vegas).  The Internet is slowing down because everyone is downloading megabits of Elton tunes.  Why you can't get in an elevator without somebody humming "Your Song".

So slow down, foreign media.  Chill out.  Relax.  Put on "Madman Across the Water" and open a Tsing Tao or two.  The Party Congress is over and its time!  See you in two weeks (visitors next week!) at the Yellow River Chronicles!

 Xi JinpingLi KeqiangZhang DejiangYu ZhengshengLiu YunshanWang Qishan and Zhang Gaoli check out the stage where Elton John will perform on Thanksgiving Weekend.